Netbackup Email Notification

Netbackup 設定完 BLAT 後
測了好一陣子 email notify,備份失敗寄信 ok 沒問題
原來是每一台 clinet 都要個別設定 email,終於ok~

DOCUMENTATION: Email Notifications Settings and Their Behaviors


The Global Attributes section contains the Administrator's e-mail address field which will be the email NetBackup feeds to nbmail.cmd when a backup finishes with a nonzero status. Putting an email address in Global Attributes will cause NetBackup to send e-mail notifications for only non-zero backup statuses
這裡設定的 email,只會收到備份失敗的通知信


The Universal Settings section contains the Client administrator's e-mail field which will be the email address NetBackup feeds to nbmail.cmd when a backup finishes with any status. Putting the email address in Universal Settings will cause NetBackup to send e-mail notifications for all backup statuses
這裡設定的 email,不論成功失敗,所有的jobs完成都會發通知信
而且每一台 clinet 都要個別設定 email

最好都選擇 Server sends mail
才可以在 blat 中定義統一的 email subject
