VCS installation script 不認識 e1000g 網路卡

Discovering NICs on node1 .................................discovered e1000g0 e1000g1 e1000g2 e1000g3 e1000g4 e1000g5

Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat link on node1: [b,?] e1000g1
e1000g1 is not a valid NIC name
Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat link on node1: [b,?] e1000g1
e1000g1 is not a valid NIC name

好吧,只好安裝完在自己手動設定 heartbeat 了
修改 /etc/llttab 自己手動加上
link e1000g1 /dev/e1000g:1 - ether - -

2008.04.15 補
Veritas Cluster Server 5.0+e805061 fix for the e1000g NICs on Solaris
