Sun Cluster 3.2 New Feature

Sun Cluster 3.2 FAQ
What are the new features?
  • Ease of Use
    • New Command Line Interfaces
    • Oracle 10g improved integration and administration
    • Agent configuration wizards
    • Flexible IP address scheme
  • Higher Availability
    • Cluster support for SMF services
    • Quorum server
    • Extended flexibility for fencing protocol
  • Greater Flexibility
    • Expanded support for Solaris Containers
    • HA ZFS - agent support for Sun's new file system
    • Extended support for Veritas software components
  • Better Operations and Administration
    • Dual-partition software update
    • Live upgrade
    • Optional GUI installation
With Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition, new features include:
  • Support for x64 platforms
  • Support for EMC SRDF replication software
What's New in the Sun Cluster 3.2 Software

sshd error: Kerberos mechanism library initialization error

好久沒裝 Solaris 9 了,裝好上完 Patch 後,只要使用 ssh 連線就會冒出了這 error

sshd[19238]: [ID 432372 auth.error] Kerberos mechanism library initialization error: Can't open/find Kerberos /etc/krb5/krb5.conf configuration file.

阿我又沒有 enable Kerberos 啊,怎麼老是跳這訊息
找了好一會兒在 Sun 竟然找不到資料,一堆都是在講 Kerberos 沒設定正確 blah blah。終於在咕狗發現了解法
Solaris SSH Fun,快快筆記一下 :p

1. Solaris 9 9/05 sshd and kerberos could this be a BUG
在 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 中加入
GSSAPIAuthentication no
GSSAPIKeyExchange no

GSSAPIStoreDelegatedCredentials no

2. Fixing the bad Solaris ssh patch
在 /etc/ssh/ssh_config 中加入
Host *
GSSAPIKeyExchange no
GSSAPIAuthentication no

Solaris Performance ToolsCD 3.0


Solaris Performance ToolsCD 3.0 available online

The CD covers within 300 MB:

  • dimSTAT v8.1 - collect and analyze performance data

  • Dtrace Tools - Brendan Gregg's collection of Dtrace scripts

  • K9Toolkit - freeware tools written using the KStat library on a Solaris 9

  • sysperfstat - displays utilization and saturation for CPU, memory, disk and network, all on one line.

  • cpuinfo - displays CPU configuration (number, type, clock and strands)

  • meminfo - displays configuration of physical memory and swap devices or files

  • iobar - displays io for disk-devices in a |cpubar|-like fashion

  • iotop - displays |iostat -x| in a |top|-like fashion

  • checkcable - prints the link up status for network interfaces

  • nicstat - prints statistics for the network interfaces such as KBytes/s read and write, Packets/s etc.