[轉載] The Golden Rules of Sun Systems Administration

The Golden Rules of Sun Systems Administration
Peter Baer Galvin

  • When in Doubt, Reboot
  • Communicate with Users
  • If You Have a Problem, Check the Cables (被線玩過好多次...)
  • All Projects Take Twice the Estimated Time and Money
  • It's Not Done Until It's Tested
  • Never Change Anything on Fridays
  • Use Defaults Whenever Possible
  • Create a Backup
  • Avoid Poor Decisions from Above
  • If You Haven't Seen It Work, It Probably Doesn't
  • If You Are Constantly Fighting Fires, Find the Source
  • If You Don't Understand It, Don't Play with It on the Production Systems
  • If It Can be Accidentally Used, and Can Produce Bad Consequences, Protect It
  • Ockham's Razor is Very Sharp Indeed

[轉載] Unix History

碰了 hp-ux, aix 後,哇咧這是啥,完全不認識
雖然 SunOS/BSD 鬧分家了
不過 Solairs 果然還是比較靠近 bsd 血統啊